Alastair is one hell of a lucky guy.
European correspondent based in the Haute Savoie region of France, Alastair is a former professional hockey player who now makes his money running marketing for various cryptocurrency projects.
Often said to lead a "charmed existence", he really proved that this winter surviving an avalanche and a fractured spine in separate incidents with no long-lasting damage. Unsure of how many lives he has left, he's starting to think he may be immortal.
Alastair spends his free time, when he's not injured, exploring the Chablais region of France and beyond. During COVID, when France didn't open their ski lifts, Alastair's hand was forced onto ski touring. Previously laughing at people skinning up, he's now hooked on the "up" and will often choose to "earn his turns" over using lifts. Brits are indeed a strange bunch...